Composition Writing: Population problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country. But it is burdened with a huge population. Bangladesh is in fact one of the most populous countries in the world. So, population problem is now one of the greatest problems for our country.

Population of a country is an asset but when the country cannot provide the people with the necessities, it becomes a burden for a country. Bangladesh is beset with acute population. Firstly, the illiterate people are not aware of family planning. Due to social and religious superstitions, most of the people of Bangladesh are adverse to family planning. Polygamy, early marriage, illiteracy and the hope of more male children are the main causes of population problem.

Population problem is in fact the root cause of many other national problems. Due to overpopulation, the need of habitation, food and other things are getting acute. It is quite impossible now to meet these demands. So, food problem, health problem, malnutrition, environment pollution, poverty etc. are certain consequences of population problem.
mage Courtesy: Stuart Miles at

To, control this problem, first we have to make the general mass aware of the bad effects of population problem. Mass media can play a vary vital role in this regard. People have also to be made free from social and religious superstition. Family planning campaign should be strengthened. Moreover, unemployed people should be trained in various sectors to turn them into an asset.    

                                                                                                                                              Over population is a great hindrance to all our development efforts. So, it must be controlled at any cost. The educated and conscious people along with the government should come forward to rooting out this serious national problem.


  1. Population problem in Bangladesh is very common.But, it is hopeful that the people of Bangladesh are more conscious about this problem & they are trying to control over population.


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